
Committees are comprised of volunteer members, who advise the board on various matters. Committee meetings typically take place regularly and minutes are taken. Although there may be a limited number of positions on a committee, please keep in mind that ALL committee meetings are open to members!
If you are interested in playing a leading role in the activities of your community why not volunteer your time and skills to serve on one of the association’s committees?

Architectural Control Committee

Purpose: The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is appointed by the Board of Directors and is specifically charged with the responsibilities of assuring compliance with the provisions of the Restrictions and Covenants as they may apply to all new construction and with approving all exterior changes to existing homes.
Meetings: The ACC currently meets each Wednesday, except during the months of November, December, and January, at 4:30 PM in the conference room at the Aquia Harbour Office to review all applications that have been received since the previous meeting. During the months of November, December, and January, the ACC meets only on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 4:30 p.m. in the conference room.
Applications must be received no later than close of business of the day before the committee meets, i.e. 5:00 pm on Tuesday. If the application is approved a letter will be sent out to the homeowner stating approval. If the application is disapproved a letter will be sent stating why the application was disapproved.
Many times the approval will be held up because of items that are needed in order for the approval to take place. Below are a few things to bear in mind when submitting an application:
  • Setbacks (40′ from the front property line and 10′ from the side and back property lines)
  • There cannot be more than one detached building that is being used for garage or storage purposes on a lot.
  • Culvert (ditch) pipe size varies by lot. Please check with the office if you are unsure what diameter pipe is required for your property. Pipes must be made of double-walled plastic.
  • Headwalls must be made of either concrete or pressure treated 6×6 lumber. Headwalls must extend at least 5 1/2″ down and around the bottom of the culvert pipe.
  • Sheds that are 256 square feet or more require a Stafford County building permit.
  • Retaining walls that support more than 36″ of unbalanced fill requires a Stafford County building permit.
  • Boat docks and other similar structures require permits from a number of different agencies. Stafford County is a good place to start.
  • An annotated copy of the plat or sketch of the property showing the location and dimensions of the work to take place must be submitted with the application.
To contact the Architectural Committee or obtain more information about the committee, please call the business office at (540) 659-3050


PURPOSE: Established hereby is the Aquia Harbour Beautification Committee (BC) which will have as its primary purpose the preservation and appearance of the facilities and grounds within the Corporation known as the Aquia Harbour Property Owner’s Association, Inc. (AHPOA), as established by the AHPOA membership in accordance with the Restrictions and Covenants and Articles of Incorporation mandated by the statute of the State of Virginia.
MEETINGS: Schedule to be determined.
COMPOSITION: The BC shall consist of a minimum of (5) members in addition to a member of the Board of Directors (BOD) who shall serve as a voting member and liaison to the BOD, all of which shall be appointed by the BOD. Each member shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until his/her successor is appointed by the BOD and shall be an active member in the Association for his/her entire tenure in office. The board member on the Committee shall call an organization meeting at which time Committee members shall appoint a Chairperson and a Secretary. At any meeting of the Committee at which the Chairperson is absent, or the Secretary is absent, the members shall elect a pro term official.
  • A minimum of three (3) Committee members present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The act(s) of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute an act of the Beautification Committee.
  • The Committee shall assess needs within the community to ensure appropriate maintenance and beautification of its green areas, roadways and common facilities buildings. When areas of concern arise that overlap with the responsibilities assigned to any other standing committee or department of the AHPOA, the BC will work with that committee or department to identify the problem(s) and effect resolution.
  • The Committee shall provide input and advice through the BOD to the General Manager for consideration of the above areas in the annual operating and capital budgets. A long-range “capital needs” plan shall be provided to the AHPOA BOD prior to its budget cycle and shall be updated at least annually.
  • The Committee, on a case-by-case basis, will consult the BOD, through the Board Liaison, on interior design and space utilization and landscaping requirements within the community.
  • The Committee shall spearhead volunteer programs to accomplish community self-help projects that relate to the beautification of the properties of the Association.
  • Regular Committee meetings shall take place at a time and place established by the BC. All meetings shall be held within Aquia Harbour.
  • Committee meetings shall be open to all AHPOA members. A schedule containing date, time, and place of meetings shall be prominently displayed in the AHPOA business office by the Secretary of the BOD.

Bylaw Committee

The Bylaws Committee is responsible for reviewing proposed changes to the AHPOA Bylaws that have been submitted by members of the Association. The process is defined in the AHPOA Bylaw Article XII.

The committee has no regular meeting schedule. Meetings of the committee are called and then scheduled on receipt of a proposal. All meetings are open to AHPOA members. Attempts will be made to post meetings of the committee on this site when called.

Communications Committee

The primary responsibility of the Communication Committees is to develop, update and monitor applicable
communication platforms to include, but not limited to social media, newsletters, websites, email blasts
to inform, engage and educate the Aquia Harbour residents regarding issues of importance and interest
to the membership. In accomplishing these goals, the Board of Directors shall assign the committee with
tasks from time to time that may include, but are not limited to:

• Update and posting on social media (Facebook) to have more of a presence on social media with
the focus of highlighting amenities and activities

• Create a social media calendar

• Reach out to and encourage Committees, Groups and Clubs to write articles of interest for Harbour
View and E-Newsletter

• Write and obtain articles for issues that would be of interest to the community

• Develop a Community Event Calendar, to be issued monthly

• Review and request improvements/changes to include plan for resident portal and general
changes to the website
Meetings: Schedule to be determined.

Community Events Committee

PURPOSE:  In order to increase community involvement, the Community Events Committee will serve to develop, enhance, maintain and support a community events program as determined by the committee, in conjunction with the Board of Directors, for the benefit of the general AHPOA membership.
Please check the AHPOA website calendar at Calendar for the committee's meeting schedule. 
For more information about the committee, email:

Dredging Committee

This committee shall serve at the direction of and at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. This committee shall have no authority to speak on behalf of the Board of Directors or to bind the association financially or contractually, unless authorized by the Board.
The primary responsibility of the Dredging Committee is to advise the Board of Directors, in a reasonable and productive manner, on a plan to dredge Aquia Creek, to assist in assessing the waterways and to advise and make recommendation to the Board of Directors on how and when to dredge. The committee will focus its efforts on developing a multi-year dredging strategy to present to the Board, considering the financial implications, permit processing and laws, regulations, and ordinances with local agencies. The committee will work directly with AHPOA staff (General Manager, Assistant General Manager, Marina Manager) to develop a plan for dredging. In accomplishing these goals, the Board of Directors shall assign the committee with tasks from time to time that may include, but are not limited to:
·         Review and evaluate survey reports and previous dredging projects
·         Discuss needs, recommendations and previous work and reports with contractors/representatives that have previously been involved with dredging projects within Aquia Harbour
·         Contact local organizations, marinas, clubs and agencies such as Stafford County government, VA Dept Agencies, Army Corps of Engineers, VA Wetlands Committee, etc. for the purpose of obtaining information and guidance
·         Make recommendations on alternative ways to fund dredging costs such as reaching out to local agencies
·         Prepare periodic articles for publication for distribution to the community and/or the Board of Directors
·         The chairperson may be asked to attend regularly scheduled board meetings to provide verbal reports with recommendations, upcoming committee tasks and answer questions
·         Working groups may be arranged by the Committee to focus on specific tasks and will not be considered a “meeting” of the full Committee
·         Provide input and advice through the Board to the General Manager for consideration
Committee members shall be active members of the Association. It is preferred that committee members have previous experience with boating, dredging and/or previous communication with local agencies regarding dredging.
This committee shall have a minimum of five (5) members, but a maximum of seven (7) members in addition to a minimum of one (1) non-voting staff member and one (1) non-voting member of the Board of Directors. A majority of committee members of the committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The act(s) of most members present at any meeting shall be the act of the Committee. The members of the committee shall elect a Chairman, a vice chairman, and a secretary of the Committee.
·         Interested members must submit a written request for appointment to the committee
·         The Board of Directors will announce committee appointments and may remove any committee members at any time. The Board of Directors may make additional appointments if vacancies occur
·         Committee members will be expected to serve on the committee for the duration of the committees’ existence or until the Board of Directors sees fit
Regular committee meetings shall take place at a time and place established by the committee. All meetings shall be held within Aquia Harbour. Meetings shall be open to all AHPOA members. A schedule of meetings to include time, date and location shall be distributed to the membership through the Business Office and management team.
The committee will report directly to the Board of Directors through the General Manager. The Committee shall keep correct and complete written minutes of all its proceedings, which minutes shall be kept in bound form, properly executed by the Secretary of the Committee, and approved by the Chairman and kept at the office of the Association.
Charter approved by the Board of Directors on January 25, 2023

Fish and Game Committee

The primary purpose of the AHFGC is the development, preservation, and management of Aquia Creek's fish and game resources. The committee's geographic responsibility is that part of Aquia Creek is enclosed by the Aquia Harbour Property Owners Association (AHPOA). Governing laws for the AHFGC will abide by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) rules and regulations as published on a yearly basis by the state of Virginia. The AHFGC shall be an advisory and action committee to act on behalf of the AHPOA. The AHFGC will execute the AHFGC rules and guidelines to ease property and safety concerns to assure opportunity for the benefit of the AHPOA membership.
Meeting Schedule & Location:
Late Spring or Early Summer (date/location TBD)
Contact Person:
Mark Jennings;

Golf Committee

FUNCTION: The primary purpose of the Aquia Harbour Property Owners Association (AHPOA) Golf Committee is
to assist the AHPOA Board of Directors by ensuring the Golf Course is operated in the best interests of the AHPOA
and in strict compliance with the rules and regulations of the USGA and VSGA.
MEETINGS: Schedule to be determined.

COMPOSITION: Five members, with an additional non-voting board member to act as liaison. Members
should consist of Aquia Harbour residents in good standing, with an interest in the AHPOA golfing community.
The members of the Golf Committee shall serve one term each, and shall elect a Chairperson, a Vice
Chairperson, and a Secretary. In the absence of any elected official, the members shall elect pro-tem official to
preside over the meeting.

• A majority of members present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
The act of a majority of members present at a meeting of which the quorum is met shall constitute an act
of the Golf Committee.
• Authorized to work and coordinate with the AHPOA General Manager and Golf Manager through the
committee Chairperson.

• Reports directly to the BOD.
• Prepares periodic articles to the Harbour View no later than the 15th of the month prior to publication.
• Complete written minutes of its proceedings to be submitted to the BOD which shall be properly
executed by the Secretary of the meeting and approved by its Chairperson and kept by the Board
Secretary at the AHPOA office.
• Provides a quarterly report to the BOD summarizing discussions and actions of the committee.
Inputs to Strategic Planning Committee, course improvements, course maintenance, and
golf budget, promotion and marketing for golf course utilization and programs.

Develop and prepare input to the Golf Business Plan and Annual Budget in concert with
the Golf Course Manager.

• Provide a liaison to the Board of Directors concerning capital improvements and equipment needs for
the golf course.
• Put forth recommendations pertaining to renovations and repairs to the golf course, such as golf greens
and bunkers, irrigation system, cart paths, and tree removal.
• Ensure compliance to applicable laws set forth by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Services regarding the licensing, application, storage, and record keeping of pesticide applications onto
the golf course.
• Ensure Aquia Harbour residents accessibility to the golf course amenity.

Board approved June 23, 2023

History Committee

·         The History committee (herein stated as committee) shall be a committee to develop historical archives, to demonstrate the AHPOA relationship to the surrounding community and foster and improve the historical understanding among AHPOA membership.
·         to establish and document the history of Aquia Harbour, in order to inform the AHPOA for the conduct of official business.
·         To establish and document the relationship, casually and/or formally, of Aquia Harbour to the surrounding community, county, and the state. 
·         To establish and document the history of Aquia Harbour as it relates to the persons, organizations, and activities for the membership.
·         The committee will consist of maximum 13 voting members, not to include current AHPOA BOD member(s) to act as liaison to the corporation. The BOD will appoint the volunteers for Committee membership, annually or as needed. Committee members will consist of a maximum of one representative per lot.
·         Committee appointments will be made by the committee members annually. The Committee shall elect at maximum two co-chairs, and a recorder annually as officers. The BOD liaison shall not be a co-chair, recorder, or a voting member of the committee. In the absence of officer representation at a scheduled meeting, the attending members shall elect pro-tem official and recorder to preside over that meeting.
·         Comply with Federal Law, Copyright/Trademark Law, VA/Local Statute.
·         The committee shall work autonomously regarding BOD instruction, by rule of exception.
·         Public Affairs/Spokesperson Responsibilities assigned by committee vote.
·         Co-Chairs shall be responsible for breaking tie votes.
·         Recorder shall be responsible for meeting minutes and archival of the same.
·         Maximum 13 voting members. 20% of voting members shall constitute quorum.
·         Other billets as determined to be necessary, created by a vote of the members
MEETINGS/COORDINATION:  Meeting schedule to be determined.
·         Quarterly based on Calendar Year
·         Any other meetings as determined based of activity level
·         Physical meetings shall be conducted in a facility or property; corporate or private, appropriate to attendants expected at the meeting
·         Physical meeting announcements shall be made no less than 10 days prior.
·         Intent to participate in the meeting no less than 72 hours. (ask Katherine)
·         Quarterly meetings may be conducted by electronic medium.
·         The committee shall maintain an official email address for the record, accessible by the officers of the committee at any given time. (Annual change passwords aligned with the outgoing officers.
·         All committee meetings shall be held within Aquia Harbour
·         Committee shall maintain a physical record
·         As practicable committee shall maintain an electronic record of historical facts (eg website, wiki)
·         As practicable, committee shall maintain record of communications/coordination (eg official committee email)
·         Committee shall maintain a physical record
·         As practicable committee shall maintain an electronic record of historical facts (eg website, wiki)
·         As practicable, committee shall maintain record of communications/coordination (eg official committee email)
·         Strategic planning
·         Foster community involvement
·         Provide recommended updates to the managing documents.
·         Coordinate/Conduct Individual interviews
·         Records research (Internal/External)
·         Writing/Editing/Illustrations/Media
·         Public relations/communication
Charter approved by the Board of Directors on February 23, 2022

Legal Compliance Committee

The Legal Compliance Committee meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 3:00 p.m. in the conference room of the AHPOA business office.

Marina Committee

The Marina Committee shall be an advisory and action committee to assist the Board of Directors
(BOD) to foster and improve the marina operations and conditions of the facilities for the benefit of the
AHPOA membership.
Schedule to be determined.

Five members, with an additional non-voting board member to act as liaison. Members
should consist of Harbour residents with professional or educational background in boating, safety, and related
marina operations and maintenance. The members of the Marina Committee shall serve one term each, and shall
elect a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, and a Secretary. In the absence of any elected official, the members
shall elect a pro-tem official to preside over the meeting.

• A majority of members present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
The act of a majority of members present at a meeting of which the quorum is met shall constitute an act
of the Marina Committee.
• Authorized to work and coordinate with the AHPOA General Manager and Marina Manager through the
committee Chairperson.

• Reports directly to the BOD.
• Prepares periodic articles to the Harbour View no later than the 15th of the month prior to publication.
• Complete written minutes of its proceedings to be submitted to the BOD which shall be properly
executed by the Secretary of the meeting and approved by its Chairperson and kept by the Board
Secretary at the AHPOA office.
• Provides a quarterly report to the BOD summarizing discussions and actions of the committee.

Inputs to Strategic Plans, upgraded marina related facilities, marina maintenance, and marina

Develop and prepare input to the Marina Business Plan and Annual Budget in concert with
the Marina Manager.

Board approved June 28, 2023

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee’s sole purpose is to establish ‘the procedures and times for the acceptance of nominations for election to membership on the board of directors, as well as making its own recommendations for said membership’.
The committee is appointed every year by the board of directors, by the board’s first meeting in April.
If you are interested in serving on the committee or have questions regarding the committee, please call the business office at: (540) 659-3050.

Parks and Recreation Committee

The committee serves as an advisory panel to the Aquia Harbour Board of Directors and fosters action to maintain, enhance, and develop natural resources and recreational facilities for the benefit of the AHPOA membership. The committee is made up of volunteers among the AHPOA membership and is always receptive to feedback from our neighbors. If you have any items you would like brought to the attention of the Board of Directors that fall inside the scope of this committee, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Meetings are generally held at 6:30 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of every month.
To contact the committee directly with any concerns, questions, or suggestions, please email them at

Stables Committee

The Stable Committee was re-established on September 22, 2021. Its function is to foster and improve the stables operations and conditions of the facilities for the benefit of the AHPOA membership. Please contact the office for more information about this committee.  540-659-3050
Meetings: Normally held monthly. Schedule and location are variable.

Strategic Planning Committee

Aquia Harbour POA is a complex association, and the leadership team must ensure that all departments in the Association are working toward the same goals. The purpose of the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) is to assist the Board of Directors in developing a strategic plan for Aquia Harbour POA.
The committee will identify goals and objectives to develop a strategic plan. Note that the tasks are designed to formulate strategy, not define operations. The SPC will work directly with the General Manager, Assistant General Manager, Finance Manager and Amenity Managers to review, discuss, and develop specific department goals and objectives. The SPC will review reports and documents over the last several years to include the reserve study and previous strategic plans to assist in the development process.
The SPC will follow a systematic planning process to develop a 3-year strategic plan to present to the Board of Directors, to include three main components, plan development, plan execution and plan review:
a)      Plan Development
a.       Assess the Association’s history and significant accomplishments
b.      Assess the Association’s status (financially and physically) to includes its mission and vision for the future
c.       Evaluate current governance structure (operational responsibilities)
d.      Develop mission and vision statement
e.       Determine operating values/guiding principles
f.        Determine needs and critical issues of the Association by identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
g.       Define roles and responsibilities of key players
h.      Educate, communicate the plan and listen/take notes
i.        Develop and prioritize long-term and short-term goals, and set action plans
j.        Monitor progress
b)     Plan Execution
a.       Create programs that will convert objectives into realities
b.      Develop procedures with tasks required to complete the programs
c.       Prepare budgets to fund programs
c)      Plan Review
a.       Reviews will be conducted regularly throughout the year and at a minimum after the annual meeting occurs, and new board members have been elected
b.      Reviews may also be conducted by use of surveys sent to the AHPOA membership. Such surveys may be conducted informally and treated as such
c.       The plan process will be completely re-done every three to five years
Committee members shall be active members. Members should be capable of “big picture thinking” and taking a long-range view. Candidates must become familiar with best practices in strategic planning and implementation.
The committee shall be comprised of staff, board members and residents. The following persons only should serve on the committee, unless otherwise decided by the current Board of Directors:
·         General Manager and/or Assistant General Manager (non-voting)
·         Finance Manager
·         President or Vice President
·         Two Board Members (with different expiring term years)
·         Four residents
The Committee shall be chaired by one board member serving on the Committee. The Finance Manager will serve as the Secretary of the committee.
AHPOA staff shall serve on the committee for as long as they are employed by the Harbour. Board Members will serve on the committee until their current term on the board expires. Appointments and terms will be reviewed every year after the annual election of new board members has been successfully completed.
Regular committee meetings (at a minimum quarterly) shall take place at a time and place established by the Board of Directors and/or General Manager. Meetings shall be open to all AHPOA members. A schedule of meetings to include time, date and location shall be distributed to the membership through the Business Office and management team.
The committee will report directly to the Board of Directors through the General Manager. The Committee shall keep correct and complete written minutes of all its proceedings, which minutes shall be kept, properly executed by the Secretary of the Committee, and approved by the Chairman and kept at the office of the Association. At a minimum, the committee will provide quarterly updates to the Board.
Charter approved by the Board of Directors on January 25, 2023

Ad-Hoc (Temporary) Committees

Gate Access Committee
Strategic Planning Committee
Please consider volunteering!